Your Picture of Joy
Why do we take the time to get our children photographed, frame the pictures, and then hang them on the wall? Well because we like to see our joy! I suppose after a time you might stop actually looking at the pictures on your wall, but the reason you hung it up in the first place was because you felt some kind of connection to the image and knew that it would bring you some flavor of joy so you displayed it in FULL view. I am a picture nut and I realized that I didn't have ANY pictures of my children on my wall until this fall when they got their school pictures. Now I certainly do and when I look at them I see their beloved faces all excited to be the subject of the image. I see the darling outfit they chose; sometimes the favorite shirt, sometimes the fleeting trend. Whatever it is that comes to mind, it's always joyful and makes me smile. Some of the best 'framer' pictures are ones where the child is not even close to smiling with a big cheesy gri...