
Showing posts from April, 2014

Things Trivial and Things Major

This is a promise.  You will get off-track.  You will get pulled into the drama.  You will get caught up in your daily existence.... until.... something major pulls you back.  Something major rocks your core.  Maybe you don't ask why. Maybe you have no desire to know the reasons.  Who knows why major rocks shift?  We could never understand the significance. But I do know this:  Major things bring people closer.  Major things bring cleansing tears.  Major things bring out the compassion in friends, family and acquaintances.  Major things bring us back to our foundations.... that of love, support, and friendship.  Major things challenge us to trust..... trust in something we can't comprehend. When you're numb and in the midst of something major, remember to breathe.  "This too shall pass."


My daughter(5) brought home a few drawings this winter of a snowstorm.  She used every colored marker and crayon that she could find and swirled them round and round in a tornado-like fashion.  My day, body, mind, essence, direction, heart feels like this right now.  Here's my version of her drawing done in the ever professional "Paint" program. :) Yes I know, I didn't stay on the paper.. my lines got kind of crazy.  I was trying to make it as close to the original as possible.  :)  You see, I ran into a mindfulness teacher yesterday and he sent me a link to a talk given at a very successful business which taught mindfulness as a road to happiness.  This talk highlighted mindfulness, self-knowledge, and daily habits as the road to personal happiness and ultimately to world peace.  Chills! So the picture of the snowstorm above... is me... trying to figure out what to do with this information... what is my contribution to world peace?  I re...