And a Dove Nearly Flew into My Windshield

I love to pay attention to the animal messengers that appear in my life, the usual and the unusual. I know it is support arriving in some form. I don't always even have to figure out what it means, just that the arrival is there and I am noticing it. I am aware. So... a tom turkey fluffing out his feathers in an obscured area off the side of a road I frequently travel, a fox walking leisurely close to the side of the road a very short distance from my home, a dove nearly hitting my windshield, and a set of robin wings without a body in the middle of my driveway. These are unusual. When I am unable to understand some situation in which I find myself, I consult my two favorite Oracle decks; The Ascended Masters and Kuan Yin - Bodhisattva of Compassion. When I pulled cards for myself (usually 2), I got Master Jesus whose card had the theme of forgiveness and Brigid whose card emphasis was inner strength. I felt the support and cried knowing The River Yan...