Teeter Totter
You don't see teeter totters much any more on playgrounds.. the fulcrum and lever contraption that probably sent too many little sisters flying through the air and to the Emergency Room... BUT we still see them in our lives and understand the concept COMPLETELY if we have ever been flung or (almost worse) pounded to the ground on a teeter totter. You're SURE of a decision... you're so happy and free because the decision is behind you... and then BAM... something changes or something comes back in the picture and you go from flying high status (because face it, the TOP is the BEST part of the teeter totter) to somewhere in the middle or maybe even back on the ground - hopefully it's not the GRAND SLAM where your bottom gets a bruise. And you are back in deliberation. How did I feel so certain and then one little change and my resolve goes out the window. I KNOW what it is that I need to decide, but why is it so hard to get out of the patterns that are comfortable? ...