Images of my Day

I have been thinking about doing this for a while and now I finally have.... taken pictures of the gorgeous images I see when I walk into work every day.  They will speak for themselves, but I will tell you where they are.
Lighting in the foyer on street level.
This is what I see when I look up whilst waiting for an elevator.

Mr. Owl on the top molding of the wall street level.
Above the elevator doors sits the two dragons and the tree.

The full elevator door on the street level.
Chandelier and ceiling intricacy- street level. 
Celtic knots inside the elevator cars on the ceiling.

The Up and Down arrows - my floor.

A vent with oil lamp and owl overlooking- my floor.
Owl carving on ceiling molding - my floor.

Genie's lamp and book on ceiling molding - my floor.

A large vulture type bird on the ceiling molding - my floor.

Marble bathroom stalls - my floor.
Art on the building across the courtyard  through the doors.

Metal mythical creatures on the doors going to the courtyard.

I LOVE the curves on this statue!

He's in a garden near the Medical School building... he is pure beauty enjoyed daily by moi!

More to come as I walk the grounds and share with you my daily views!  I MUST get the shamrock copper wire sculpture!


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