Graceful Transitions

My yoga instructors say 'The transitions are as important as the poses.' Focus is required for every moment into a pose as well as during and then out of it. If you don't get your leg wrapped high enough in eagle, you might not be able to wrap your toes around your calf. If your base is too wide for warrior, your core will not be able to properly stabilize you. I bring up transitions today because I am sitting here waiting for a very kind worker to pick up my boxes of work stuff and move it to my new location, my new department, my new work family. I have enjoyed my 7 years in my current role, but I know change is constant and so I flow with it... with grace.... :) And so, I move on. I enjoyed all the boisterous laughs (and sneezes) from down the hall, the daily trivia questions on the white board which I always pondered, but never answered, the bonding of the ladies with a common thread in the back room, the warm light of the maroon shaded lamps,...