It's a FIRST!

Root Down -suggestion for ICU Patient
I completed my first day of yoga teacher training.

I decided I will reflect here rather than in my journal in which we're supposed to note whatever we feel like noting about our practice for the session.  I have my class on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we will do one practice at each session.  Today my notes on the session were brief... 'bad mat, next time use a yoga mat rather than the pilates mat'.  I don't think it has to be deep does it?  I mean it's just the first day.... :)

First impressions of the students:  They are very much novices.... either in yoga, teaching, or self.  Not a problem really... just an observation.  BUT I see a thread of honesty in them all.  This is a great rock on which to build!

Today I happened to have a very powerful experience with a Reiki patient in the cardiac ICU (Intensive Care Unit).  In it, I realized how far I am coming in my ability to communicate and connect;  where to start and how much pre-assessment to perform.  This time, we talked through words for a while, but we also had the medium of music, our stories of pure love (if you're talking to a heart valve replacement patient, don't you HAVE to talk about love???),  and communication without words at all... sans words (if you really want to butcher French.... :))  I didn't even have to perform Reiki long for this patient to get the effects.... 30 minutes when usually I go for at least an hour.  We already had our link intact... then the energy flows and finds where it needs to be.
Hearts and Spirals... 

Why do I mention this ICU experience?  Well... when speaking of the other people in my class... do they have any idea how powerful they are in the lives of another human being?  I'm beginning to understand this phenomena.... but it's not something teachable... it's completely experienced based.  And as always, based in love.

At the heart, isn't it all?  Based in love.....


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