
Showing posts from June, 2014

Prayers for Others

A child's response to the expanse of Lake Superior I was reflecting lately about two relatively recent experiences with praying for others... or having intentions for the benefit of others.... one during a visit from some angels and another during a Native American fire and water cleansing ceremony. The angel visit was a 'Pay it Forward' kind of mission that I was asked to do by a friend who was hosting the angels (3 angels of the higher realms) before me.  She asked if I would like to host them as well.... OF COURSE I DO!  I had to let the angels in at 10:30 pm on a certain night (I really could feel them when they entered - like invisible butterflies had entered and were creating waves).  I had to prepare a place for them with a white candle and keep it lit as much as possible.  I was to write 3 requests on a piece of paper and put it near the candle.  They would stay for 5 days and I would make sure the candle was lit and that I tried to spend time near...

The Stork

Balance on one foot... I don't know if I ever really thought about it much until I started practicing yoga.  This has been a journey.  When you first are shown a pose where you are to stand on one leg and do other horizontal things with your body, you wonder how in the world you will ever get to the point of being able to stay there suspended.  But you just keep trying... and slowly over time, you learn how to adjust weight and position your body in alignment to be able to hold the pose and breathe without really thinking about the fact that you're now on one foot and sideways.  What an amazing transformation! And then you are taught patience again when you injure an ankle and try to do this same pose on an ankle that's not at full strength - still swollen from a nasty turn.  If you remember all the little details about the pose that got you into the pose properly on your strong ankle, the pose becomes accessible to you again... you spread out the energy and...