Prayers for Others
A child's response to the expanse of Lake Superior I was reflecting lately about two relatively recent experiences with praying for others... or having intentions for the benefit of others.... one during a visit from some angels and another during a Native American fire and water cleansing ceremony. The angel visit was a 'Pay it Forward' kind of mission that I was asked to do by a friend who was hosting the angels (3 angels of the higher realms) before me. She asked if I would like to host them as well.... OF COURSE I DO! I had to let the angels in at 10:30 pm on a certain night (I really could feel them when they entered - like invisible butterflies had entered and were creating waves). I had to prepare a place for them with a white candle and keep it lit as much as possible. I was to write 3 requests on a piece of paper and put it near the candle. They would stay for 5 days and I would make sure the candle was lit and that I tried to spend time near...