Prayers for Others
A child's response to the expanse of Lake Superior |
The angel visit was a 'Pay it Forward' kind of mission that I was asked to do by a friend who was hosting the angels (3 angels of the higher realms) before me. She asked if I would like to host them as well.... OF COURSE I DO! I had to let the angels in at 10:30 pm on a certain night (I really could feel them when they entered - like invisible butterflies had entered and were creating waves). I had to prepare a place for them with a white candle and keep it lit as much as possible. I was to write 3 requests on a piece of paper and put it near the candle. They would stay for 5 days and I would make sure the candle was lit and that I tried to spend time near the candle to keep them company. At the end of the stay, I was to open the door and let them out at a certain time and also have 3 friends lined up for them to visit next. My home was more peaceful for those days. Only myself and one of my daughters knew that we were hosting angels and we visited the candle and talked to the angels some, but didn't have any out of the ordinary experiences.
My requests on the paper were for friends or relatives who were sick. One of the friends died. One of the relatives is doing better, but no great improvements. Another relative didn't get the improved health I mentioned in the request..... BUT I realized a few months after the angels left that what they did for me was life altering.... they opened my heart WIDE! I started feeling with my heart; physically feeling sensations in the area of my chest. I didn't ask for anything for me, but OH did I receive a miraculous gift!
The second experience was with a Native American ceremony. I had never taken part in a ceremony like this so I came without any idea what it would be like, but I wanted to try it. Elemental cleansing had to be something lovely I gathered. We created prayer ties with red fabric. Inside we placed a pinch of tobacco and one M&M (peanut orange was mine). I guess The Creator likes tobacco and chocolate. :) Into the prayer ties we blew our intentions. I did general prayers for various people in my life. Each one of us went up to the fire to present our prayer tie intentions to The Creator before throwing it into the fire. As we stood there, the Bear Healer brushed us with his feathers and blew sage smoke towards us. After everyone threw their tie into the fire, we were blessed with the water that The Healer had infused with prayers and song. Then we gathered in a circle and all said names of people to pray for out loud. The Healer brushed our front sides and back sides with the feathers again to clean us.
We walked away smelling a bit like sage smoke mixed with campfire. I met a new friend who just moved here from San Francisco (CULTURE SHOCK). She was lovely and we talked for a while and exchanged email addresses to maybe meet up later.
Later that week, I had a major shift in my views surrounding relationships in my life. A shift from fear and possession based frameworks to one of trust and freedom. I can only think that the intentions for others' well being helped me to clean out my fears and open up to more goodness in my life.
So I have the angels to thank for a heart opened and tobacco and one orange M&M to thank for a new outlook on engaging with loved ones in my life. ;) Peace out! Life is GRAND! -EE
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