Animals as Messengers

A friend of mine with great intuitive abilities once told me that any animal that allows itself to be seen by you (in the wild) comes to bring you a message.  This has made me more aware of what animals present themselves to me.  This week... pheasants, honker, coyote, and rabbit.  SO I looked up the coyote because that seemed to be the most unusual viewing of my week.

This is what the shamanic animal spirit web site said about a coyote....

Coyote's Wisdom Includes:
Understanding that all things are sacred--yet nothing is sacred
Teaching that only when all masks have fallen will we connect with the Source
Singing humans into being
Childhood trust in truth
Teaching us how to rear our young
Brings rain
Ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes
Placing the North Star
Teaching balance between risk and safety

And for the rabbit I saw with an injured face hopping around my car where I park in the downtown area...

Rabbit/Hare's Wisdom Includes:
Paradox and contradiction
Living by one’s own wits
Receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages
Moving through fear
Strengthening intuition

As a side note, in the Chinese calendar, I am a hare as well so I figured that any time a rabbit appears for me it's a reminder to return to self.  :)  That's my own interpretation, but I guess that's part of the rabbit message - strengthening intuition - trusting in your gut instincts... the trust of a child (like the coyote brings).

Just because, I also looked up the pheasant and goose wisdom and found this!  HOW COOL!

Pheasants's Wisdom Includes:
Movement through ego
Using color to heal
Expansion of self awareness
Understanding the use of ritual

Goose's Wisdom Includes:
Movement along ones soul path
Understanding the power of community
Assisting others through illness

Noted Coyote, rabbit, goose, and pheasant... thank you!  I'm off to the bookmobile!


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