Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Just got back from vacation in a most vibrant location... so much vibrance that this lady can't sleep during the night.... seriously... every night about 2 or 3 am, I would wake up.  Woah!  And I wasn't tired the next day... must be high in oxygen or something because they pump oxygen into the Vegas casinos so people don't get tired... :)  That's part of the fun.... although I'm not a good customer for them, to me, that just means more time to dance! :)

So...  This photo shows where I was. This was taken on one of my morning walks on the beach at about 5:30 or 6 when I finally just decided to get out of bed rather than lay in bed and dance with my iPod. :)  There just is no way I can sleep!

Ok... now I need to stop talking about sleep because the title says I'm going to write about a little bit of love craziness.... for one who throws out the term 'love' quite often, I realized a little more about my definition of love; the kind I want to experience daily in person, face to face, and crazy electric (and with a sexy man)!

When I meet an interesting man, I immediately want to like them and get to know them and explore their life, even be a part of their life.  I can find so many things that are positive about a man and I used to find ways that I could help them as they told me about physical and mental ailments.  I stopped the caretaker mentality a while back and just went for guys that were able to speak about love.... because some men are SO afraid of even the word!  AH, but love means what?  :)  Some guys would not even be able to say 'I love you'.  They would say 'You are loved', 'sending love', or 'love you', but skip out on the (what seems to be) formal version with the 'I' involved.  Simple Simon.... not complicated.

My version of love is this:  When you experience love, you know it.  There's no doubt in your mind. But it will feel differently for me than it does for you.  For me, this love has to be present in my daily life, a love I can physically touch daily.  A love that touches me daily.  A love that sings only my name.  This I know. I'm going to re-draw my picture with these details... :)  These are realizations that come to you early in the morning when you can't sleep and ask your body why you are being kept awake.


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