Questioning Sanity

 Alice in Wonderland ride at Disneyland... crazy story?  maybe
I don't want easy, I want crazy!  I think this has just become the motto of me!  I can't decide if I am upset or proud that my sanity is in question.  Crazy, like all labels, is relative.

Crazy for Lady Gaga is certainly different than crazy for Martha Stewart.... Can you imagine Martha in a meat suit? She'd be more interested in seasoning it and searing it... ha!

Crazy love:  YES!  Crazy stinky:  No thanks.  Crazy brilliant - YES please!  Crazy tension... well you get my drift...

Mentally ill... another difficult one to put in a box.  The Special Olympic athletes that I have experienced are the happiest people around!

I'm pretty sure we all have our own definitions of crazy and our own levels of craziness.  Only when you really don't care what others think of you do you reach your 'authentic crazy'. :)  This version I accept with joy!


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