
I'm contemplating lessons in life at the moment.  Relationships seem to be in the forefront as usual.
 Relationships are such wonderful teachers... reflections of our inner status.

If each moment comes with a gift, each relationship does as well on a much larger scale.  Each relationship is an invitation to know ourselves better through the reflection of The Other.  It's not to find what's wrong with us or what we need to change or fix, but to observe what it is we're drawing in at this point in our lives.  What kind of people are you meeting?  What are their interests?    Do you see any patterns... artists, musicians, bankers, lawyers, hippies, animal lovers?  Where do your conversations go?  Are you meeting people who are needy or people who are open to give and love?

We get to view The Other as a gift and a teacher and offer acceptance of all that they bring to our attention.  Maybe it's not what they represent in your life, but maybe it's what is missing.  Only you know what The Other is there to show you.  This might seem scary at first, but it's very empowering.  You don't have to listen to the interpretations of a friend, a parent, a sibling about what they feel is the reason The Other is acting as they are... only YOUR perception can see the truth, gift, and lesson in any situation before you.  They can sometimes give you clues, but you put all the pieces together with your own intuition to find the meaning for you.

I thank all my Others for their roles in my life.  I breathe with trust that my lessons arrive at exactly the precise moment I need them.  I accept the challenges they embody.  I joyfully flow with the journey of my life.

and so it is


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