Rumi for Friday

This is a continuation of an earlier post about the synchronicity of things... 'Timely something something'  where I had 5 quotes from Rumi.  Well another post came through (par deux) from Genius Awakening!
Genius Awakening

VI. “Work in the invisible world at least as hard as you do in the visible.”
VII. “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
VIII. “You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?”
IX. “Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape.”

She has some great things to say about these quotes, but pretty much you can understand the meaning of the quotes at face value.  Rumi is all about blowing you out of your comfort zone... what has always been, what you think you can attain, not what you really would love!  Why?  Well... because he wants everyone to be the BEST everyone they can be!

Invisible World:  This could be interpreted many ways... meditation, heaven, the underworld of the Celts and/or Incas (Happy Imbolc by the way!), prayer, your self-talk, the unseen, etc.  I have to share a story I heard yesterday from a friend of mine who is an artist and who went through cancer treatment about 5 years ago.  He's still here... and I think it was his invisible world that brought his healing.  He told a story about laying in his bed and watching the minutes pass because when he got to 8 minutes he could give himself a shot of morphine for the pain in his throat ( it was like swallowing blades).  He also told a story about how he pretended he had Jedi fighters in his bloodstream removing the cancer cells from his veins.  :)  I don't believe they did a clinical trial on whether the Jedis did in fact remove some of the cancer cells, but that's the kind of invisible thing that could have been the magic that he needed mentally to change how his body was reacting to the rebel cells.  Who KNOWS!???  He wasn't concentrating on the physical pain and the needles that were hanging out of him... he was creatively and invisibly removing the cancer in quite a heroic fashion! :)

Changing Yourself:  One might be called selfish for such a focus, but really... you have to do internal work before you can be fully ready for others!  It's a gift you give to the world... you figuring out how you work; the lens through which you view the world. When you find your firm foundation, you can be that grounded force in the lives of those around you.   

Wings!  I'm somewhat obsessed right now with angels as I have received the book I reserved a few months back that's all about angels.  This is where Rumi is getting radical again - radical to most of our thinking, but it's not when you think of our authentic selves.  Do what makes you soar - follow your bliss (as Joseph Campbell tells us)!    We don't literally have wings, but the angels do that walk next to you... might as well ask for a ride at least once in a while! ;)

Prison Escape:  Obviously we're not locked up in a jail cell literally, but we have our own prisons in which we choose to remain... maybe it's fear of non-acceptance of peers or family, maybe it's our body image, maybe it's just generally limiting beliefs of  "I can't".  Freedom is an amazing feeling!  Chop away!

I like Rumi.  He gives me great topics to contemplate.... in the garden, under the tree... :)


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