What Does Your Fun Look Like?
I was listening to an interview of Allison Armstrong yesterday.. she's a woman who's studied men for 20 years and how women can better relate to them. She had an interesting topic: "What does your fun look like?" And she talked about it by illustrating how different 'types' respond to this scenario:
A friend comes to you and tells you 'I'm learning Mandarin Chinese.'
What's your response to this? Mine was 'COOL'! :) Which I later came to know was the response of an 'Enjoyer'. :) Her other types were 'Builder', 'Sharer', 'Expresser', and 'Growers and Knowers'.
A Builder would respond with something like 'Why would you be learning this? When will you use it?' An Enjoyer (me) would respond like 'Sounds like fun!'. A Sharer would respond with something like 'With whom are you doing that?'. An Expresser might respond: "What do you want to say in Mandarin?". And a Grower and Knower might say 'That'd be nice to have in your back pocket.' :)
A Builder wants to see function in everything... no wasted energy, lots of goals, lots of schedules. An Enjoyer would come from the angle of finding joy and having fun. A Sharer is very focused on relationships - everything is better together. Expressers are concerned with expressing beauty and truth whether it be through dance, art, music, cooking, poetry, etc. And Growers and Knowers are savers... they accumulate knowledge and money for you never know when you might need it! Knowing and saving are of value to them.
Maybe you can recognize the types of your friends and family members... I'm sure we're a combo of the types, but definitely a dominant one sticks out for me. I think my secondary one is Grower and Knower.... although the Expresser is making an appearance for sure as of late. >:)
I hope you found that fun to explore! I did! Noticing these tendencies in others can also help you better relate to others... and you'll also realize that what's fun for one, is NOT fun for another, but that's where getting creative comes in... compromising so both parties are having fun doing the same thing, but looking at it from their own style!
Fun comes in so many beautiful packages! Enjoy!
A friend comes to you and tells you 'I'm learning Mandarin Chinese.'
What's your response to this? Mine was 'COOL'! :) Which I later came to know was the response of an 'Enjoyer'. :) Her other types were 'Builder', 'Sharer', 'Expresser', and 'Growers and Knowers'.
A Builder would respond with something like 'Why would you be learning this? When will you use it?' An Enjoyer (me) would respond like 'Sounds like fun!'. A Sharer would respond with something like 'With whom are you doing that?'. An Expresser might respond: "What do you want to say in Mandarin?". And a Grower and Knower might say 'That'd be nice to have in your back pocket.' :)
A Builder wants to see function in everything... no wasted energy, lots of goals, lots of schedules. An Enjoyer would come from the angle of finding joy and having fun. A Sharer is very focused on relationships - everything is better together. Expressers are concerned with expressing beauty and truth whether it be through dance, art, music, cooking, poetry, etc. And Growers and Knowers are savers... they accumulate knowledge and money for you never know when you might need it! Knowing and saving are of value to them.
Maybe you can recognize the types of your friends and family members... I'm sure we're a combo of the types, but definitely a dominant one sticks out for me. I think my secondary one is Grower and Knower.... although the Expresser is making an appearance for sure as of late. >:)
I hope you found that fun to explore! I did! Noticing these tendencies in others can also help you better relate to others... and you'll also realize that what's fun for one, is NOT fun for another, but that's where getting creative comes in... compromising so both parties are having fun doing the same thing, but looking at it from their own style!
Fun comes in so many beautiful packages! Enjoy!
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