Bouncing Bald Head

Yep spending nearly a day with a Buddhist (yes still fun to type) nun was a beyond words.  I'm sure I'll be processing for weeks and months. 

She is my new heroine. She followed her calling that she knew at the age of 17. She trusts her instincts completely. She has a presence like no other woman I've been around. Peace and life force beams from her.

She's a fighter. She stands firm. She believes in what her heart tells her. She talks to Holy mountains. She observes and interprets nature so honorably. She is a teacher. She lives by example. She believes that Buddhism needs to more appropriately incorporate the divine feminine into the dharma. She is dedicated to this inclusion. She's also dedicated to community and having all voices heard, not just those with ordination or enlightenment status. (I guess there are 4 stages of enlightenment - this all new to me!)
She talks to mountains -  The Blue Ridge

She's an eloquent story teller, many involving nature. She says women need to return to their connection to Mother Earth and listen to her. She taught me that nature is a natural giver. :) If you ask a tree for energy or grounding they will give it to you. 

She told of two encounters with bears. One, where the bear had her head in his mouth and the other where she was meditating and a younger female bear walked right up to her face to check her out. Her practice of meditation and surrender saved her from the attack and her calm brought on by meditation allowed her to have an inquisitive bear come and look her in the eye with no intention of harm and no fear on her part.

She's a survivor. She's a nun on her own without a community at this time. She lives off the generosity of others. She handles no money. She has no monetary worth. She wants to create a community based on generosity and love. For now it's just her. Every day she rides her bike to a great big park with amazing rocks and meditates there. This where she feels at most at home. She sleeps on the rocks. It's her favorite place in the world. She finds clarity there.

But I think the memory that will stay with me longest is the internal video I have of her bouncing on the rebounder mini-trampoline in my living room first thing in the morning.  "Beth, do you mind if I bounce?"  Trying to retain eye contact whilst we were talking watching her little shaved head bouncing up and down nearly cracked me up as she explained the benefits of acceleration and deceleration of the body during rebounding. :)

What an amazing opportunity!  Feeling very appreciative!


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