Write. Something's Coming

I have this feeling right now that I'm just supposed to write.  There's something bubbling up and I don't think it's the sneeze that just came out... but maybe that's part of it.  :)  I'm contemplating the many connections I have had with people in a day, a week, a month....  there are so many people facing changes.  Some are of their own making and some that have been decided for them.  How beautiful is that?  Observing the changes around you in your relationships and the lives of those in your relationships....but yet you're remaining steady. 

I contemplate who moves into my life and takes up my heart and those that leave in a poof of no communication.  Some leave with great fanfare, but most just fade.... on to the next thing of interest.  I admire those who can take a turn and roll with it knowing that it's for their benefit.  These are the wave riders.  Not surfers necessarily, but those who have learned to dance with the tides.  Yes you will hear a bunch of ocean analogies right now as I just returned from a week in her presence.  I did a little bit of floating with the ups and downs of the waves; on my back, on my stomach and on a kayak.  I definitely improved my ability to float and not swallow so much sea water.... to anticipate the big rollers and to let them move me and not try to conquer them.  Sometimes the best move was to close my mouth and eyes and dive right into the big ones.  Surrender has always been a good choice for me.  I think I have to bring it out again.... welcome surrender... and that's where I will end... surrender and slumber.


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