A Bit More Wordy

Sometimes I overflow on the photos (like I did in the last 2 posts today), but now I have to use my words - that's what you tell a toddler who's having trouble communicating AKA having a fit... 'Use your words'.

Some might say that there are MANY meanings for little occurrences in your life.  And some might say that none of it has any meaning, but I am one who believes in finding meaning in little things.  I don't think I try to read into every little interaction in my life, but sometimes there are certain things, no matter how small they seem, that I just KNOW mean something.

 One of those meaningful things is a brush I had today with a blue jay.  In the Indian chakra energy system, blue is the color of the throat chakra (spinning energy centers of the body - there are 7).  The throat chakra is also your expression; your truth.  Breathe.  When you breathe in Vinyasa yoga, you constrict the back of the throat to make it sound like ocean waves and to bring your attention to your breathing rather than other things that may be distracting you.

I was in the woods slowly walking because it was warm and the snow had melted in places creating snow/ice/puddle/mud trails.  I was contemplating taking a picture of a cool little leaf that was exposed in the snow when I heard a beautiful song from a bird up ahead on the left.  I was walking on a trail that was just to the right of an open prairie and the sun was shining in from that prairie so I couldn't see the best in that direction.  I noted that the bird must not want me to take that picture so I went looking for the bird.  I found the blue jay in a tree not far from where I was.  He (she?  I don't know my bird genders very well) had a few peeps in stillness on a branch and then he flew to the other side of the trail and started singing a regular song that I had heard many times.  He had my attention and didn't feel like singing the really cool song anymore.  He didn't even last long singing the old reliable tune... he was off into the woods leaving me watching.

So how did I take maybe 20 seconds of my walk in the woods and relate that to my life?  I think it goes something like this:  sometimes we're going along our way and we're given the chance to hear/see/feel something really cool - something new and exciting and beautiful.  And it's good!  It is all of those things.  But then that cool and beautiful and good thing turns into something more of what you already know...  and then leaves you watching.

You enjoyed the beauty.  You enjoyed the dance.  It's how things go.... brushes with beautiful singing birds in the woods.  Enjoy the song while it lasts!  And don't miss the song too much... another cool singing bird will be along.

The blue for me has significance because I learned to speak my truth from this bird.... maybe not TO the bird, but to other established people in my life.  That blue jay gave me a way to 'Use my words'.... just like a toddler having a fit... :)  Thank you Blue Jay! :)


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