I Heart You Art

I was inspired recently from a local jeweler's ad series in the local magazine.  They're advertising getting your diamond ring engraved with I LOVE YOU and each ad is a wonderful picture of some form of inscription of I LOVE YOU somewhere.  The two I found going through old magazines in my office were 'I (image of heart) U' drawn on a frosty window and (image of heart) carved into a tree with 'I LOVE U' below it in the birch bark.

I ripped these out of the magazine and cut all of the words pertaining to the jewelry store and hung them on my office door on the inside.  They are BIG and I will certainly see them every time I slide my door open to go out.  They are a message to myself and to anyone who leaves my office (not many people actually come in on a regular basis anyway).

So.. now I think I'm going to make a unique one for each of my three darlings.... on a square canvas.  We'll see what I do, but it'll be fun and I hope they can understand the meaning behind it. :)

Don't you just LOVE inspiration!?  :)


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