Momma Dancin'

I got a wonderful compliment last night as I came off the dance floor at a dance-a-thon to get some water almost right after my honest-to-the-core-three year old told me I was 'all sweaty and red in the face'... :)  Anyway, another Mom who was sitting out in the audience talking to another Mom said to me - 'We have decided that you are the best Mom dancing out there.'  (hehehe... there was MAYBE one other Mom out dancing)  But anyway, I thought it was nice of her to say.  I had come from my own dance practice so I was in my over-sized I <3 Dance sweat pants so I was in-costume and already had that sweaty film so I thought I'd just go for it. :)  I really CAN'T pass up an opportunity to dance - AND it's quite entertaining to dance hip hop style with young ballerinas!  :)  They go with an upright dance posture and I'm more in flux- it's the ballerina breed.... :)  They'd totally give me a schooling in my pointe shoes though!!!! 

Maybe tonight I will tell you my grand realization about mule genitalia over the weekend (at times I am very naive).... LOL!  A BIG SMOOCH for you!


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