As Promised... About the Mules...

So recently I have come into contact with a man who owns about 15 mules and loves their kind of equine to pieces!  That's possibly why he owns a bunch of them.  Anyway, the first conversation we had about them he said that they come from a horse Mom and a donkey Dad and are sterile.  Noted.

This weekend I was talking to a friend Jean who owns a mule named Marshmallow (of COURSE I remembered that name - I think she was impressed, but come on!  What a great name!).  I remembered the name, but I didn't remember that she was a mule.  'She' will become important here.  Jean was talking about Marshmallow using 'she' and 'her' and I was confused.  So I asked her 'How do you know she's a she?' 

Blank stare... Jean was trying to be nice, but she was also confused.  "Because she has girl parts.'  And I just BURST OUT LAUGHING!  All along I thought all mules had NO genitalia because they were sterile.  We both nearly split our faces laughing!  She then explained that boy mules have boy parts and girl mules have girl parts, but it's the insides that don't reproduce.

With that knowledge you can go out and conquer the world!!!! :)  I feel much better knowing this!  I mean how do you name an 'it' animal???? :)  I suppose a generic name like 'Disco' would do or 'Marshmallow' for that matter... SEE my confusion! :)  HA!


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