Penthouse Quote Board Revival!!!

I think it's been a couple years since I put up a flip chart paper on the wall of the 'penthouse'  (the handicapped stall) in the women's bathroom on my floor at work.  I used some tropical colored markers and titled it 'Inspiration for the captive audience'  or something along those lines.  Then I would use post-it notes in various colors to decorate the paper with quotes or cut out little snippets from magazines about health and happiness and living fully... etc... Other people would contribute their quotes as well, but I was kind of the 'keeper' of the chart.

It was getting faded and even I was getting weary ( I tend to have more energy for such things than most ) of putting up new quotes so I took it down this week and made another.  This one has no title, but it has a border of color - from the paint color cards I had lining my office door.  It has only one quote on a HOT pink post-it note from Joseph Campbell - “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”  

In the middle of the chart is a black and white picture of two boys probably 6 and 8 catching raindrops on their tongues.  The caption above the photo says 'Good.  Clean.  Fun.'  Then I cut out a bunch of images and words from my 2 Parenting magazines I had in my office and taped them up there as well... 

I guess I'm feeling playful, colorful, and crafty!  I kind of love cutting out words with a scissors... not sure why!


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