Tripod Tarantula

Have you ever had a dream that ends with a three-legged tarantula hissing as it's standing on your head right above your left eye?  I don't know if they actually hiss, but I think it was my imagination's sound effect for fangs coming out...  Why would someone walk toward you holding this thing and expressing that it only had 3 legs and that creature somehow ended up on your head?  HA!  All I could think when I woke up after the hiss was... remain still and tell the tri-tarantula that you mean no harm.. in your thoughts.

Looking up spiders in dreams I found quite an array of meanings... if you're bitten in your dream it means you're trying to escape an overbearing female/mother figure in your life... another interpretation is that you're being manipulated or are manipulating... another that you are stuck (as a fly would be in the web).  Alas they had no exact meaning for a 3 legged tarantula spider that somehow got thrown onto your head and hissed, but never bit you... :)

In the beginning of the dream, I was planning a really cool evergreen garden... and then suddenly had a spider on my head.  How quickly life in dreams changes!


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