Nicely done Miss Cole:

At my sister’s 60 birthday party, she gave out bracelets that said “EWOP.” It stands for “EVERYTHING’S WORKING OUT PERFECTLY.”
Most of us know what it feels like to have both high and low moments in life and in any given day. Sometimes we feel stuck, and then we break thru. Sometimes we are in flow and then can feel as if we are moving in slow motion; sometimes all seems to come together with grace and ease while other times it can feel like an upward climb. We plan perfectly (so we think) and then are invariably surprised by the unexpected. We can breeze through a situation and then find ourselves challenged by it. We can feel total clarity one minute and then utter confusion the next.
Staying in the “EWOP” mode means that through it all...we choose to believe, remember and have faith that nothing is for naught. As my friend Kristine Carlson says, ”Sometimes our greatest messages come from the biggest messes”. So consider reflecting upon and embracing the notion that each and every experience we have is orchestrated to give us a huge juicy gift or teach us one.
From this angle every lesson learned is “perfect”, indeed, in its timing and relevance. Then, in riding all the twists and turns … the “ups” that feel so high and the “downs” that can feel so low, we remember to keep our eyes on the prize of what can be revealed.
As the 19th century German philosopher, Friedrich Whilhelm Nietzsche, suggests…when anything happens just say to yourself “I need this” because, after all, everything IS working out perfectly.


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