Green Tea Cleanse

I am constantly being reminded of this idea as explained in this quote from Penache Desai - 'Everything is in your favor.  Embrace it.  BREATHE into it.'

I was feeling a bit under the weather last night, enough that I was on the couch for a good portion of the evening and even let the kids watch TV for a bit so I could just relax.  (Thankfully I now have a couch thanks to my 103 year old Grandpa's being delivered by my parents over the weekend).  Because I didn't have the energy to get out of my bed around bed time for the kids to put them all to bed (believe me it takes a LOT of energy - especially the three year old), I ended up sleeping with my two daughters.  My son decided the comforts of his own bed were superior to sleeping with all the women in his life... :)  My three year old took up half the bed and my eight year old and I shared the other half... doesn't seem proportional, but that's how it ended up.  I managed to sleep well anyway since I really needed it. :)

In the morning since we were were out of our routine, we did things a little differently with breakfast and getting ready.  One thing remained the same though... the three year old decided to go to the bathroom at the LAST minute.  This led to an all systems break-down... a screaming fit.  I had to carry her kicking and screaming out the door, belt her into the car seat without her permission (this is quite difficult with a preschooler - they're strong when they're angry!), and fend off a boot or two thrown my way.  :)  We were late and got to listen to screaming the whole way (thankfully it's short) to school.

I get to work and breathe a sigh of relief.  I still didn't feel my finest and thought a cup of green tea might be a good instigator of funk-removal.  It surely did do the trick, but not in the traditional sense.... what did it was the fact that I dumped it all OVER my keyboard and while cleaning it up and noticing how much cleaner my keyboard was afterwards, I felt much better physically.... I chose to laugh about the mishap and recognize that 'Everything is in my favor'!


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