How to Impress a Teenage Girl Dancer

I'm going to keep this in my back pocket for a couple years down the road, but tonight I figured out how to impress some of the 'older' girls at dance... just show them how you can do the splits and teach them a few things about stretching and you can just see in their eyes that they are hooked!  They will 'play' stretching with you for at LEAST 15 minutes.  :)  They showed me each leg of their splits as well as the straddles and even though one of them was NEARLY down to the floor in the straddles, she thought she was not close.  I reassured her she was super close.... and it was so darn cute when her expression changed as she realized she nearly had it!

I think I have to teach some dance... hmmmm what flavor?... :)  SO many options!

I think also just talking to them will do it... about dance in general.  I get questions like - "If I have better balance will that help me with my spins?"  "Why yes it will!"  They always hang around showing me their moves when we show up... :)  I don't show them mine, but maybe some day.  DANCE OFF!  HA!

Another funny conversation:  a young boy about first grade finished up his hip hop class and came out and was hanging around watching my son play his Mario Bros game on his DS.  He had on a wrestling stocking cap so I asked him if he was a dancer AND a wrestler.  He said that he WAS a wrestler in a very proud way.  So I told him, "WOW you're a real Renaissance Man."  Of course he gave me the blank stare... so I told him it meant that he had a lot of talents and that he should go home and tell his Mom and Dad "MOM I'm a Renaissance Man!"  I hope he does, but he'll probably forget that big word... :)  It was fun to try though!


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